Maluum Nkwezelii Clothing (PTY) LTD

Maluum Nkwezelii Clothing (PTY) LTD


Maluum Nkwezelii Clothing.Co is the business that is selling quality clothes on different designs and also on cheaper prices. Clothes available for men and women.

Get all You Need in LOWER Prices!!!

Get SWEATSHIRT ln Low Prices.

Get SWEATSHIRT ln Low Prices.

Maluum Clothing  produces good outfits for anyone. Come and Get yours Today.

Hoodies are available for men and women. Get yours now!

Hoodies are available for men and women. Get yours now!

Maluum Nkwezelii Himself

Meet Maluum Nkwezelii SA himself. A young intelligent person who decided to create brand for himself and then if fell on people's hands and they love it.  

We Wear It Eternally!!!

We Wear It Eternally!!!

For Calls/WhatsApp:078-755-2059

Facebook: Maluum Nkwezelii

Instagram: maluum_nkwezelii_sa


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Latest Edition

Wear It Simple

Wear It Simple



The man Himself

Maluum Nkwezelii believes on everything he does. Him producing these clothes makes many people happy also they are supporting local businesses .



What does Nkwezelii do?

Maluum was also a Dancer/Chereographer and he has his crew called Unique Crew Empire.



Maluum Nkwezelii SA
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